/home/viters/public_html/classes/Modules.php => 351
Modules(Video_Categories)::show_list() QUERY= SELECT CTG.*,IMGCTG.image_id as is_empty FROM `video_categories` AS CTG LEFT JOIN `video_category` AS IMGCTG ON IMGCTG.category_id=CTG.ID WHERE CTG.parent_id='1' AND CTG.active=1 AND CTG.title NOT LIKE 'private' GROUP BY CTG.ID ORDER BY order_num DB Error: unknown error
SELECT CTG.*,IMGCTG.image_id  as is_empty FROM `video_categories` AS CTG
   	  	   				                      LEFT JOIN `video_category` AS IMGCTG ON IMGCTG.category_id=CTG.ID
                      	  	    				WHERE CTG.parent_id='1' AND CTG.active=1 AND CTG.title NOT LIKE 'private'  GROUP BY CTG.ID ORDER BY order_num  [nativecode=1055 ** Expression #10 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'viter_viter.IMGCTG.image_id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by]

Viter Lifestyle - Viter TV

Live and Show How to Live
I did not go to film school, I did not work at the television and I did not grow on the film classics. I followed my own way, through trials, mistakes, successes and complete failures.

I had no experience no equipment no team, but I had just a desire to make a film.

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All the videos presented below are not the film companies and TV channels projects. There was no Hollywood shooting team working on them, there were only a few people. It is a nonstandard shooting technique, which is not taught in universities and not written about in books.

To make the impressive film is possible. Even if everybody around is saying No. You just need to want it to do it and to use a real life with all its possibilities.

 .  .
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