Life. People. Journey.
Some virtues of my life. Places that I traveled though, feelings that I lived through, people that I met and colors that I saw.

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The first.

13th of June 2008

Location: Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine
Mood: excited
This day in: 2009

This is the first ever post in the first ever blog in my life. It’s kind of weird for a guy who spends tons of his time online. Actually, it’s a bit frustrating for me to express my thoughts through the website without having a bottle of beer or a cup of tea or simply sitting with a hookah.

This is the first blog in my life. Moreover, it is a bit unusual to write something in Russian, not in English :). So what is the theme of this blog? Similarly to the website this blog will be a semi-personal one. It will give information on some of my activities. Up to this moment it is photography. In addition, I will publish some stories of my travels, thoughts, plans, etc.

One more goal of this website and blog is to communicate with those good people who I met on my way and those who constantly send me emails or messadges: “Viter, where are you?”. The site will be updated with the information of my current location and current contacts. Hopefully, it will get easier to keep in touch.
By the way, today is Friday the 13th :). This number has often a significant meaning in my life. I hope it will bring me luck on this blog as well.

Due to the fact that the website is under construction, you are more than welcome to send your suggestions on things to be improved or something you would like to see here :)

Anyways, keep in touch!


P.S. sorry for my English. It’s been a while since I wrote something in it :)

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Views: 17904

Rating: 14

Enchantress, Kiev
That looks very good! Good luck with this web-site. Continue doing what you love doing and you will be a success.

Roman, Austria
Viel Glück, gute Bilder und lassen Sie sich hier, in deinem Blog, kreuzen den Pfad zu Ihrem besten Freunde aus der ganzen Welt! Lg aus Wien.

Sonrisa, Khmelnitskiy
Me alegro mucho de que te haya conocido y hasta más de que juntos pudieramos crear algo especial:)

Alina, Armenia
just a note to say I'm delighted.... takie krasivye fotografii... vernee ne fotografii a to chto v nix :-) v etom ty prav.
ty molodets... smotrish na mir otrkrytymi glazami.. i vidish' to chto mnogie ne vidyat :-) you're lucky.. and helluva talented guy :-)

Alena, Khmelnitskiy
Style of the photos has something special and unusual.
About writing, frankly speaking I can tell that it is great and from the bottom of the heart:)
I like it!